The benefits of green peas are good in a way that promotes health.

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          In addition to being a food with high nutritional value. Green peas themselves also have many health benefits. Therefore, this type of bean becomes a food that is completely good in terms of sweet and crisp taste and health maintenance. The benefits of green peas are as follows:

1. Rich in antioxidants.

          Whether it is flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols. They help prevent cells from being destroyed, reduce inflammation. Which is the cause of various diseases such as cancer, Heart, Alzheimer’s disease. Including helping to delay premature aging as well. It also has vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc that are good for health UFABET

. 2. Helps with weight loss.

          It’s known as a bean. Of course, peas are another food that has a high protein content. Plus it’s low in fat. Suitable for people who want to lose weight. Moreover, the fiber in green peas also helps to make you feel fuller for longer. Forget about being hungry often.

3. Reduce cholesterol.

          Niacin (Niacin) is in green peas. It plays an important role in reducing the creation of triglycerides and VLDL fats, which are fats that are created to transport triglycerides from the liver to various organs, resulting in lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. But it increases good cholesterol (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of clogged arteries.